Arts & Craft Show April 11-13, 2025 Downtown Bouligny Plaza * New Iberia, LA For further info please email: Korie LeBlanc, Arts & Crafts Chair spanishfestivalvendors@gmail.com Vendors will bear all responsibilities for their property and will not hold La Asociacion de Nueva Iberia Members or its members liable for any damages incurred at any time before, during or after Festival participation Vendors are responsible for collecting and paying taxes on merchandise to the appropriate local and state institutions as required. Area must be cleaned prior to leaving.
Board of Directors
Brinkley Segura Lopez, President
Lauren Greig, Vice President
Ashley Verret, Treasurer
Dustin Johnson, Secretary
Darren Romero
Michelle Blanchard
James Viator
Tessie Segura Dore
Barry Segura
Donna Gary
Korie LeBlanc
Chantel Peltier
Matt Lopez
Crystal Racheau
Hannah Bee
Sydni LeBlanc
Sara Espinosa
Honorable Board Members:
Queen IX, Chacelyn Peltier
State Senator, Blake Miguez
Crochet Ceiling down Church Alley Featured on:
Click here to read the article from Spain!
Spanish Festival 2016
featured on
AAA's Southern Traveler Magazine